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Part 3: Locations, Routes and Landmarks for E-Scooterists in NZ

Part 3: Locations, Routes and Landmarks for E-Scooterists in NZ



*Abel Tasman National Park: This is a national park that is renowned for its golden beaches, sculptured granite cliffs, and its world-famous coast track. You can ride your electric scooter to one of the entrances of the park and explore some of its natural beauty on foot or by boat. You can also see some of the wildlife that inhabits the park such as seals, penguins, dolphins, and birds.


Wow and whew! New Zealand is indeed swarming with insights and a treasure trove of travel opportunities that e-scooterists can look forward to feast their eyes on in every city, in New Zealand. One of the clear benefits of e-scooters is that they are a sustainable, convenient, and fun mode of transport.


E-scooters are not just a fad or a toy. They are an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to cars and buses. While they can make our cities more livable, our planet more healthy, and our lives more fun these rideables can also bring us closer together, as we share the road and the ride with others. 


Abel Tasman National Park


Innovations can further improve electric scooters with better design, regulation, and education. 

E-scooters are not a problem, but a practical and viable solution. Mearth e-scooters, like other personal mobility devices in the market are not the end, but the beginning. They can positively contribute to the social, environmental, and economic well-being of the country, by reducing congestion, pollution, and costs, and by increasing mobility, accessibility, and enjoyment. And those who have a yen, desiring to go the extra mile, to explore new places are encouraged to ride safely, and be considerate to all road users.


E-scooters have a bright future in New Zealand, and to be sustainable, they are to be used responsibly and respectfully by both riders and owners.