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E-Scooters as Part of The Kiwis’ Way of Life

E-Scooters as Part of The Kiwis’  Way of Life

Who wants to travel around New Zealand -- conveniently, affordably, eco-friendly, and really fun?

Wouldn’t you want to experience the natural beauty, diverse culture, and adventurous spirit of this country? Wouldn’t you like to join in the growing trend of riding e-scooters, those electric-powered devices for leisure and enjoyment?

Answering yes to either or any of these questions, Kiwis ought to try e-scooters, and make it a part of one's life.

E-scooters are the eco-friendly choice for anyone who wants to explore New Zealand on two wheels.

Just look at the electric scooter’s many advantages over other modes of transport like cars, buses, or bikes.

Electric scooters are lightweight, compact, portable, and foldable, so you can carry and store them easily. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 25 km/h (which is what is allowable in New Zealand), and travel distances of up to 32-35 km on a single charge, these rideables are ideal for short trips -- like commuting to work or school, running errands to the pharmacy or supermarket, and/or seeing nature sights.

Another visible advantage is that e-scooters can help you, the rider save money on fuel, public transport fare, and yes, even parking fees. Not to mention, the commuter no longer needs to queue at the bus stop for the crowded bus to arrive or squeeze your way in a crammed-full parking space. E-scooters do their part in reducing traffic congestion and road accidents by being more nimble than cars.

It’s not hard to see why electric scooters have found a thriving nesting ground in New Zealand. The benefits all add up. Our Kiwi brothers are thrilled to discover a new way of getting things done -- faster, enjoyable and a thrill to be riding it, too.

Contributing to zero emissions, the Mearth S Pro high-performing, premium commuter e-scooter is good for the environment and one’s health.

Powered by an electric motor and a battery that can be recharged, in addition to an extra back up of hot, swappable battery, electric scooters do not emit any harmful gases or noise that throws in undesirable toxins that contribute to air pollution, further exacerbating climate change.

E-scooters can also help you stay fit and active by encouraging physical activity even while you ride. When you make a turn, step on the brakes, maintaining balance as you speed up straight ahead or stop, your muscles get the tension needed to keep the momentum. Your focus, mental acuity, alertness, are in sync with your body’s reflexes, responsive to the need of the moment.

What’s more, when riding an e-scooter, you can show in your own personal way how you care for the environment while being mindful of your own welfare.

Getting used to it, Kiwis really do consider e-scooters as a fun rideable, raring to bring the rider to some new and wholesome adventure. The escooter has been dubbed as the Kiwis’ new and affordable source of enjoyment and excitement. Providing a new sense of freedom, and feel connection with nature, e-scooters are becoming indispensable as well as a necessary means of getting to places without much fuss.

The need to be wary of and avoid potential hazards and mishaps on the road -- with other oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and animals is not trivial.

E-scooterists need to plan their trips carefully and consider these factors, like battery life, charging options, weather conditions, terrain types, and accessibility as they will surely sway the outcome of one’s travel, like it or not.

Therefore, e-scooterists need to be careful and responsible when riding. Here are basic safety tips:

👉 1. Wear a helmet and other safety gear: A helmet can protect your head from serious injuries in case of a fall or a collision. Other safety gear, such as gloves, elbow pads, knee pads, and reflective clothing, can help to reduce the risk of cuts, bruises, and fractures.

👉 2. Follow traffic laws and rules: You’re like other road users, so obeying the speed limit, traffic signs, signals, and markings are important safeguards will help ensure your safety on the road. Ride on the left side of the road or the footpath, use hand signal to indicate beforehand you will turn or stop. Always give way to pedestrians and other mobility devices.

👉 3. Ride at a safe speed that allows you to react to any unexpected situations or obstacles. Be alert and attentive to oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and animals that may cross your path. You should avoid riding on wet, slippery, or uneven surfaces that can affect your grip, as well as your balance. Avoid riding in blind spots or dark areas where you may not be seen or heard.

👉 4. Completely charge to full your battery ahead and plan well you travel itinerary. Check the distance, route, weather, and terrain that you will encounter. It is recommended to have a back up. Mearth has hot swappable batteries, complementing well theMearth S Pro premium, commuter e-scooter. Just be sure they’re fully charged before you head out.

By following these safety tips and advice, Kiwi e-scooter enthusiasts can always have an enjoyable ride, safely and legally, having the time of their lives in breathtaking New Zealand.